Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints, Volume 2 - by Daneen Akers
Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints, Volume 1 - by Daneen Akers
Dear Mama God - written by Daneen Akers, illustrated by Gillian Gamble
Watchfire Media is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public charity. We publish beautiful, spiritually expansive children’s books and films, including the middle-grades anthology, Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints, which tells the stories of 36 people of diverse faiths who have rocked the religious boat on behalf of love and justice, and the new picture book, Dear Mama God, a simple child’s prayer of wonder and gratitude addressed to the divine as a Mother.
We are dedicated to telling good stories through books, curricula, and films that help us envision the world that could be. We want young people (and their adults) to walk comfortably with the big questions of spirituality and meaning, to be awed by the beauty of the world, and to be committed to love, kindness, courage, and justice.
Author’s work featured in: